Grasshoppers in the Park
Address: Wrens Park Community Hall, Warwick Grove, E5 9LL
Tel: 0208 6165450
Mobile: 07581718470
Opening times: 8am- 6pm throughout the year (apart from Bank Holidays, Easter week, two weeks during August and the Christmas period).
About: This nursery was registered in 2004 and is run by a parent cooperative. It operates from the ground floor of a community hall situated in Wrens Park neighborhood. The nursery receives funding for the provision of 15 weekly hours of free early education to children aged three and four years and to two year old children who fulfill the criteria set out by the education authority.
Children can attend long or short days. On Fridays parents and children from the community are invited to attend ‘Music and play’ sessions from 11am till midday. The nursery employs five members of staff; all hold appropriate childcare or art related qualifications. There is a strong ethos of parental engagement and parents actively participate as regular volunteers on a weekly schedule.
At Grasshoppers parents and practitioners work together to create contexts in which children are able to explore and represent their ideas and thinking using play, creativity, role-play, drama, music, literacy and the outdoor environment.
Ofsted: Last inspected: January 2016. The report states:
"Overall the quality of provision is good.
Children benefit immensely from having access to a broad range of resources that enable them to explore and express their creative ideas. The partnership with parents is strong. Staff and parents consistently work together to promote children’s learning and development between the nursery and home.”
Read the full report on our website: