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N16 Secondary Schools

Read on to find out what Ofsted think of North and East London's secondary schools.


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Laura Place, Lower Clapton Road, London, E5 0RB

Clapton Girls Academy

This is an average-sized secondary school, with a small sixth form. It
converted to become an academy in September 2011.
The proportion of students eligible for the pupil premium (which provides additional funding for
students in local authority care, those known to be eligible for free school meals and those
whose parents are in the armed services) is much higher than that found nationally, and is
The proportion of students from minority ethnic groups is much higher than that found nationally.

Ofsted: Last inspected May 2013. The report states: "Students’ progress from their starting points to the end of Key Stage 4 is significantly better than that of students nationally,
particularly in English and mathematics.
Students who are eligible for pupil premium funding make excellent progress from their starting points and are quickly catching up
with their peers.
Students’ attainment at GCSE has improved rapidly since the academy opened in 2011.
Students behave impeccably well and feel
extremely safe.
Students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted exceptionally well through an impressive range of extracurricular opportunities.

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100 Downs Park Road, Hackney, London, E5 8JY

Mossbourne Community Academy

This school opened in 2004 and is an averaged-sized inner-city school with more boys than girls. The proportion of students entitled to free school meals is very high. The proportion of children for whom children is a second language and the proportion of children with special educational needs is also higher than average. The academy specialise in Information and Communication Technology

Ofsted: Last inspected September 2021. The report states: "Mossbourne Community Academy changes pupils’ lives for the better. The academy
provides pupils with a far-reaching curriculum in and out of the classroom.
Demanding rules and routines ensure that learning is front and centre at all times. Pupils are taught to aim high in order to reach their full potential. Pupils’ exemplary behaviour means that teachers are able to teach and focus on learning. Pupils settle immediately so that no time is wasted. They listen, answer questions and get on with their work without fuss. As a result, pupils learn exceptionally well, achieve the highest results in examinations and leave school fully prepared for the next steps in their lives.
Some pupils we spoke with felt that some of the rules are too strict. However, they
know that the rigorous routines help them to learn and keep safe. Pupils are not
worried about bullying and know who to talk to if they were to have concerns.
Nevertheless, they would like more opportunities for their views to contribute to the way things are done."

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64 Marylebone High St, London W1U 5BA

St Marylebone School

This girls' school is larger than the average-sized secondary school. It converted to become an
academy in September 2011.
The school is for girls in Years 7 to 11; boys are accepted into the sixth form.

Ofsted. Last inspected April 2014. The report states: "This school is an exceptional place, where
students flourish both academically and
personally within a strong spiritual ethos. The school’s academic results have been
sustained at a very high level since it became
an academy; they are on track to be even better in 2014. It provides exceptionally well for its most able students through the level of challenge they
receive in lessons and special activities.
All groups of students make rapid and sustained progress through the school. Students’ behaviour is exemplary. Their positive attitudes, desire to learn and curiosity contribute in no small way to their
excellent learning and progress."

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Laburnum Street, Hackney, London, E2 8BA

The Bridge Academy

This is an average sized secondary academy. It opened as a new academy in September 2007 and is sponsored by UBS who form part of the governing body. Students come from a wide range of ethnic groups, with many speaking English as an additional language. There are more boys than girls in the academy.

Ofsted: Interim inspection January 18. In a letter to the Head, the inspector wrote: "This school continues to be good. The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. There is strong evidence that you and your leadership team have continued to raise the achievement of your pupils regardless of their
background. The school is in the top 12% of schools nationally for progress overall, and last year disadvantaged pupils at The Bridge Academy achieved marginally better than other pupils.
You believe that all pupils should experience the benefits of academic study. It is a considerable achievement by your leaders that nearly all pupils who left your sixth form last year went to university, and the majority of these were the first members of their family to do so. You are rightly working to strengthen pupil progress in
Your leadership has secured an orderly and welcoming place to learn. Inspectors
observed high standards of behaviour in lessons and around the school."

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Haselbury Road, London, N9 9TN


Students travel considerable distances across north London to attend this school. The main school and the sixth form are always heavily
oversubscribed. Students' attainment on entering the school and the sixth form is higher than average and the proportion with special educational needs is exceptionally low. Almost a half of the students are from minority ethnic groups and about a third of the students speak English as an additional language. Twenty places for students with exceptional musical talent are allocated each year. The school holds many prestigious awards including the international
schools award and the Ofsted award for particularly successful schools and colleges 2004/5. It has Specialist School Status for art, media and drama.

Ofsted. Last full inspection January 2008 with follow-up visits in 2011 and 2012. The report states: "Latymer is an outstanding school that provides an excellent all-round education for all of its students. Consequently, they develop into mature, confident and likeable young adults. The students, their parents and the school's partners hold it in extremely high regard. A particular strength of the school is the high level of commitment shown by the staff and the senior team
to maintaining top class academic standards while continually seeking to widen and enrich the curriculum. One parent commented '...this school is what education is all about', a view echoed in many of the written comments received by the inspectors. Standards are extremely high in all key stages and have been so consistently over many years."

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Amhurst Park, N16 5AF

Our Lady's Convent Roman Catholic High School

This girls-only school for 11-18 year olds is smaller than most secondary schools, with 704 pupils. An above average proportion of students speak Englilsh as an additional language. The largest group of students are of Black African heritage. The school is a specialist language college with sixth form provision shared with another local girls' high school. Having previously operated on two sites, the school recently moved into a new purpose-built site as part of the Building Schools for the Future programme.

Ofsted report: Last inspection was January 2017. Overall effectiveness: Good.

The report stated: "Many more pupils are gaining good GCSEs across a range of subjects and pupils’ progress overall provisionally places the school in the top 10% in the country. Disadvantaged
pupils’ progress exceeded that of their peers nationally, continuing the trend from

"Strong progress is underpinned by effective teaching across the curriculum. Teachers’ secure subject knowledge supports their use of effective resources and appropriate activities that build upon pupils’ prior learning well. At its best questioning is used skilfully to probe pupils’ perceptions and tease out the
reasoning behind pupils’ assertions."

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Clissold Road, N16 9EX

Stoke Newington School & Sixth Form

This mixed school has around 1359 pupils aged 11-19. It has specialist status for media, arts, science, mathematics and inclusion, is a School of Creativity and has Gold Artsmark status. The school has recently (2008-2010) undergone extensive refurbishment.

The school has a relatively stable multicultural population. Around a third don't speak English as their first language. The proportion of students with special educational needs and/or disabilities is slightly above average.

Ofsted: Last inspected March 2017. Overall effectiveness: "good"

The report describes the school as having: "a learning environment where pupils are happy and safe, and value learning."

It adds: "Teachers now routinely plan activities that stretch and challenge the most able. For example, they use questioning with skill to further maintain the momentum behind pupils’ progress. The school’s assessment procedures are robust. They are followed well by teachers and designed to promote the development of the knowledge and skills required at GCSE and A level, from the start of Year 7. Teachers are precise in their understanding of most pupils’ needs and consequently activities are typically well pitched. The progress of disadvantaged pupils has been a particular focus of the school. Disadvantaged pupils now make broadly average progress while their peers make significantly better progress across a range of subjects including English, mathematics, science and modern foreign languages."

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Shacklewell Lane, E8 2EY

The Petchey Academy

This average-sized secondary school (967 pupils) opened in 2006 and moved to new premises in 2007. A sixth form ('University Gateway') opened in 2011. There are more boys than girls and the proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is above the national average. The proportion of disabled students and those with special educational needs is also above average. The academy specialises in health, care and medical science. It has gained several awards including Every Child Matters Gold, Inclusion Award and National Healthy School Status.

Ofsted: Last inspection was June 2018. Overall effectiveness: Good.

A letter to the Head from inspectors stated: "You and your team have focused on improving the quality of teaching through appropriate staff professional development opportunities. This has led to pupils achieving standards at or above average in GCSE English, mathematics and modern foreign languages. You have paid particular attention to the most able pupils, and outcomes for this group improved following the last inspection. However, in 2017, the most able pupils’ progress in both English and mathematics was not as strong as that found in previous years.

​"You and your team have implemented a number of new approaches, including a new behaviour policy to reduce low-level disruption in lessons. This has had a positive impact and pupils are clear about what behaviours are expected of them. Typically, pupils behave well and are keen to do their best."

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